Rural Home

El Colmenar is a rural home based in Valencia, Spain. They offer themed rooms based on bees and other elements of the surrounding area.

This site redesign is a work in progress, and I have been in constant contact with the owners’ pitching ideas for improvements and how best to convey information to users.

The website has been designed using Figma and will eventually be built in WordPress.

Site Redesign

Some of the key points of this redesign was to put more emphasis on certain services and areas of the business, this includes the digital nomads’ zone and their rural home rehabilitation services.

Also, there are aspects of the pages where I thought it would be beneficial to the user to have more information and displayed in a way that could be easily digested.

Website All pages

The following images are the designs I have created and the full versions can be see in the PDF via the link at the bottom of the page along with comparisons with the old site.